How to seek your daily happiness?

Yesterday night I was making butter and then clarified butter from home collected cream. Yes, I regularly make clarified butter (ghee) at home. This is the first time I am attempting white butter at home. Totally, loved the process.

But what I loved most was how the family got involved. It was exciting for them to see. And when the butter starting appearing fingers came in to get a taste.

Don’t seek your happiness in big things. Happiness doesn’t belong there. Seek happiness in small moments. Every moments.

Don’t seek your happiness in other’s ideas of happiness. My friend’s family idea of having a good weekend is to enjoy a family movie in the evening. It doesn’t work at my home. A walk to the nearby farm or beach is what works in my home.

Don’t get agitated if things don’t go as planned. Often we make plans that don’t go as we thought it would. Its okay. Improvise. Move on. Key thing to remember here is to have fun in planning and not with the results. The whole process of planning, preparation and execution gives you experience, learnings and satisfaction. Not the end result. So have fun in the process.

Don’t worry if you can’t find new experiences/ journey. We need to start thinking of sustainability in all walks of life. Chuck out new and repurpose. Say if you are used to going to gym everyday. Due to COVID, most gyms had to be closed. What did you do? Did you stop caring for your health because gyms are not open? Did you stop working out? No, right? You made a makeshift gym at home. Or you sought other exercises like Yoga or Zumba. Some even started badminton, football with kids. You get it right? Seek new opportunities and experiences. But if they are not available repurpose. Bring back the old. Think how you can make better situation with existing conditions.

What makes you happy ?