Why do we hate Mondays? I think it started from school going age. After Saturday and Sunday, the thought of going back to school made us sad. For some it was horrific. That concept carried over into our adulthood. While I hated Monday’s too, somewhere down the line I started understanding Monday’s and why its important.

If you are still reading, then let me explain.

  1. WEEKENDS ARE NO FUN, IF NOT FOR MONDAY – The fun , enjoyment and happiness we feel out of anything is because its not a constant state of mind. We know it is gonna change and hence we make best use of those moments. Remember, school summer vacation ? After a week or so, we started getting bored, having no clue what to do. Since we didn’t have any particular schedule and were free to do ‘anything’ we became clueless and lost. We need a ‘Looking Forward To’ and that is Monday.
  2. MONDAYS ARE FOR STARTING FRESH – Have you wanted to start something new and ended up saying ‘Accha (Hey), tomorrow or Monday, pakka (for sure).’ That’s what Mondays are about. Starting something new. Trying out a new recipe. Making new friends. Trying on a new dress. Starting new work. Setting a new goal.
  3. MONDAYS ARE FOR RECTIFICATION – Sometimes by Friday we are so bogged with tight schedule and commitments that we loose the clarity of thought and only by weekend we realise maybe something was not done right. Maybe something could be done better. Maybe a revision is required. Maybe a follow up is needed. That’s what Mondays do for you. You can sit with your last week’s work and see if anything requires revisit or revision.

So don’t hate Monday’s so much. Grab a coffee and welcome Mondays with open arms. Go on to create awesomeness.

Have a happy Monday.

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